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DATE: 22-08-2016


John: Good evening Rev

Rev Dr. Opuni-Frimpong: Good evening my brother and to your cherished listeners and to my colleague on the other side.

John: research has proven that most of thedefaulting organizations are churches and mosques and those who sell music and DJ’sall that has it come to your notice most of your members are floutingthe regulations of the of the ECA in terms of the decibels of levels that must be permitted in the society.

Rev Dr. Opuni-Frimpong:Let me thank you for the opportunity and say we must as a people be excited about the freedom in this country; the freedom to worship, freedom to gather and all that but in enjoying our various freedoms, I think the key word here is that we must be responsible being mindful of the fact that other people must also have their freedom. The moment we lose sight of the fact that as I am free to worshipto entertain myself, to do my job and I must do it within a certain context having in mind that other people must also have say silence and whatever but the moment we cross the line, then we are not handling our freedom with the responsibility that it desires. At the moment I must admit and as you are asking whether it has come to our notice that there have been instances that some pastors have been arrested and churches sent to court and all that. Noise pollution is something we must seriously addressed whether is coming from religious ; am happy you mentioned both Christians and mosques,  churches, mosques then from those in the night clubs, social gatherings like funerals and weddings when normally funerals have closed and it goes deep within the night and it is difficult, in our vehicles. Noise pollution is now with us and now we must admit and it can’t continue like this but one, the law enforcement bodies must be up and doing and if you limit it to the church then it will be like why have you singled us out I think that noise pollution wherever is coming from must be addressed and the laws must be enforced rather than singling out one particular social group

John: so very well Reverend, there is an admission that trouble is here with us and all of that the question that I want to ask is that now we know that the churches are also involved, first to say that most of these churches are not under the direction of the Christian council of Ghana but for those that are under the direction of the Christian Council of Ghana what kind of internal regulation is there to guide them so that they don’t flaunt the law

Rev Dr. Opuni-Frimpong:My brother, the first issue we must address is education of the harmful effect of noise pollution is like it’s always been like that. In fact some of the main line churches until quite recently were using organ kind of music so you go outside the room and the noise level wouldn’t be so a challenge but now everybody is using heavy instruments and all that. Some are mindful of this and so they always get professionals to set the noise level so some of our member churches are aware of this and they are working very hard about the sound levels in their environment; some are making sure that they are always in control but there are many who are not aware of the effects of noise pollution on their own body. There are certain professionals like medical doctors who at a certain level when they put their stuffs in their ear if they are coming from a noisy environment to Sunday services, Monday morning they go to hospital it is difficult to detect anything. We are aware of this and we are talking to our people and I must say the level of knowledge need to be addressed in terms of education; we need to intensify education. It is not just doing it for somebody outside but it is good for the members in the church that if we are able to control noise level it is very healthy. Music even is not just noise but music is organized noise so even if we are not able to able to organize noise what is in there even is not music but is noise making so we need to intensify public education but I   those who are also professionals in this area must help us feel the gadgets. Above all if we all that we are doing and somebody still says that leave alone this is my freedom then somebody must apply the law that you can’t continue like that.

John: Rev there’s talk about making a joyful noise unto the Lord, there’s talk about those who go out there to talk to their pastors sometimes quarrel with them and they think that they are being devilishthere’s talk about someone surrounded by three churches and one mosque and all of that.

Rev Dr. Opuni-Frimpong:You are right, you see we are a society governed by law so you make a joyful noise unto the Lord within the confinement of the law so we must be law abiding. Our God is a God of principle and so we must make a joyful noise and making a joyful noise doesn’t mean air pollution, you can make a joyful noise without disturbing the atmosphere or neighbor. You may not know that your church is here and there is a house next to you whereby the person is given instruction or safety or medication to sleep and in that night either all night or whatever in the name of making a joyful noise you forget that your next door neighbor may need some level of quietness so we need to be mindful of this. Wecan still make a joyful noise unto the Lord but it needs to be done within the confinement of the law and being responsible and be another’s keeper. Some people are not aware of even the harmful effects of noise pollution on themselves. First and foremost and therefore who understand the issue including the media like what you are doing today we congratulate you sometimes the atmosphere is always politics but noise pollution has effect on us and we must address it not just because law enforcer is coming but we must know that those of us in the building and when we go to certain level of noise we are hurting ourselves and let us address it

John: Finally Rev, now we know the situation how can churches and those who are not your members what do you thing must be the ideal relationship between the Christian Council, the local authorities and the Environmental Protection Agency in trying to curb the situation.

Rev Dr. Opuni-Frimpong: we need to admire that noise pollution is gradually becoming part of us now in our buses, on our streets, in the night and it is coming from religious bodies –churches, mosques etc.and it is also coming from social gatherings, night clubs, funerals and political rallies organized by political parties especially now that we are close to election. And noise pollution and is harmful and not helpful and that is why I keep on emphasizing that it’s a collective responsibility. Let us all those in the various assemblies, religious body leaders, those in entertainment, media and intensify public education for people to accept the fact when we are into noise pollution we are hurting our own self and we are hurting others. When people begin to appreciate the harmful nature of noise pollution, it will help us solve the problem but those who also must enforce the law should not be afraid to do so. We must allow the law to work in this country. We are in a society governed by law,   have your freedom enjoy it but you must be responsible in enjoying it. Thank you.

John:Rev Dr. Opuni-Frimpongwe are very grateful for your time this evening.